PPD Maintenance Manual
T1DA0502-002, Rev A
Page 20
automatically displayed (Figure 6.3). If calibration values are within valid limits ok will be listed
in the range check column.
Figure 6.3 Calibration Results Box
After verifying the range check column shows Ok for all results select the OK button to close the
calibration results window. Select Done to close the Man-Down programming dialog and return
to the Transmitter Programmer Main Screen. Perform the after programming steps outlined in
section 4.7.
If any result is ***OUT OF RANGE*** then the unit must be re-calibrated. Out of range can be
the result of poor position or vibration during the calibration sequence. If the unit repeatedly fails
calibration, submit the PPD with the MDM for repair.
After a successful calibration sequence you should do a Get Info and review the data read from
the MDM.
7.0 PPD
This section describes PPD maintenance activities.