PPD Maintenance Manual
T1DA0502-002, Rev A
Page 13
Reset Low Battery in Legacy PPDs
With PPD unit serial numbers prior to 5599, it may be necessary to manually reset the low
battery detection system when a new battery is installed in the unit. After replacing the battery,
select the Reset Low Battery button to reset the low battery condition. Effective with PPD serial
numbers 5599 and higher, the low battery condition automatically resets when a new battery is
installed in the unit.
4.7 After
Power off the adapter, remove the adapter board from the PPD, reconnect and reinstall the PPD
battery. Arrange the battery wires carefully to assure that they do not get pinched between the
PPD case or PCB and the battery or battery cover. Fasten on the lid taking care not to over
tighten the screws. Test the programmed PPDs in the system to verify correct PPD ID and no
low battery alarm. Once programmed and the ID verified, you can mark the PPD case with the
PPD ID using non-removable labels, paint, nail polish or engraving.
5.0 PPD
If the program cannot communicate with the PPD then the following error window will be
displayed. If this occurs because the connection is to an old 6 volt PPD select OK. Otherwise,
cycle (turn-off then turn-on) the PPD Programmer dongle power and reselect the Get Info button.
Also, try cycling power when the unit is being read after pressing the Get Info button.
If communications cannot be established with the PPD perform the following checks.
1. Verify setup and connections, including that you have the latest version of programmer
adapter and software application.
2. Re-start
3. Verify the dongle and PPD battery are of adequate charge and voltage.
4. Perform the PP ARP and battery low reset. Power off the dongle, change adapter board JP1
so that pins 1 and 2 (reset position) are connected and then power on the dongle. Re-connect
JP1 pins 2 and 3 (comms position) and try again.
If the error persists for a single PPD, submit it for repair. If the error persists for many PPDs
submit the PPD programmer adapter (dongle and adapter board) for repair.