PPD Maintenance Manual
T1DA0502-002, Rev A
Page 11
adapter connector pins into the PPD connector. Gentle pressure is all that is required when the
pins are properly aligned. A wiggle motion can aid in applying incremental gentle pressure.
The adapter will only fit in properly in one orientation due to the notch guides. Forcing a
misaligned connector may cause damage to both the adapter and the PPD.
adapter guide slots
Figure 4.4 Location of PPD Programming Connector
4.5 Programming
If not already done so, start the Transmitter Programmer software application (Transmitter
Programmer.exe). If a PPD is connected, power on the programmer adapter and press the Get
Info button. The result will be a screen as shown in Figure 4.5. The information presented on the
left was read from the connected PPD, this info is also stuffed into the user edit fields on the
right. The PPD firmware version is also displayed. Version 4.00 supports 14 bits of modulation,
so, although read from the PPD, the Low Battery ID is not used.
Also on the right is the PPD ID Offset read from the ini file. This is displayed as a reminder that
the ini settings must be set properly for your site before programming PPDs. Note also that you
should have established information on your site PPD range and frequency of operation. Also, if
the PPD has a Pull-pin option, the desired site specific setting for Pull-pin Alarm Repeat Period
(ARP) must also be known. This is the number of seconds between automatic retransmissions
after the pin is removed (range 0-60).