SensorLink Corporation
SensorLink Corporation warrants each instrument it man u fac tures to be free from
defects in materials and workmanship under nor mal use and service for the period of
one year after date of ship ment. Within this period, SensorLink Corporation agrees
to re pair or replace, at SensorLink Corporation’s option, any instrument that fails to
perform as specifi ed. This Warranty shall not apply to any in stru ment that has been:
Repaired, worked on, or altered, including removal of the front panel, by persons
un au tho rized by SensorLink Corporation in such a manner as to injure, in
SensorLink Cor po ra tion’s sole judg ment, the per for mance, sta bil i ty, or reliability
of the in stru ment;
2 Sub
ject ed to misuse, negligence, or accident; or
Connected, installed, adjusted, or used otherwise than in ac cor dance with the
instructions furnished by SensorLink Corporation.
This Warranty is in lieu of any other warranty, expressed or implied. SensorLink
Corporation reserves the right to make any chang es in the design or construction
of its in stru ments at any time, with out incurring any obligation to make any change
what ev er in units previously de liv ered.
If a failure occurs, contact the manufacturer for a Return Authorization and
instructions for return shipment. This war ran ty con sti tutes the full understanding of
the man u fac tur er and buy er, and no terms, conditions, understanding, or agree ment
pur port ing to modify or vary the terms hereof shall be binding unless here af ter made
in writing and signed by an authorized offi cial of SensorLink Corporation.
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