The standard factory preset LED indicators and alarm points are:
a. Combustible gas: Methane, audio and visual alarm indicators
from 5% LEL to 100% LEL.
i. Green LED/Ready = 0% - 4.9% LEL Methane
ii. Amber LED/Low = 5% - 9.9% LEL Methane
iii. Red LED/Haz1 = 10.0% - 24.9% LEL Methane
iv. Red LED/Haz2 = 25.0% - 49.9% LEL Methane
v. Red Flashing LED/Haz3
METHANE: 50% LEL Methane to 17% volume* Methane
(LED indicator only above 17% volume Methane)
PROPANE: 50% LEL Propane to 12% volume* Propane
(LED indicator only above 12% volume Propane)
*When equipped with percent volume sensor.
b. Oxygen - below 19.5% and above 23.5%
c. Carbon Monoxide - 35ppm per utility industry standards
d. Hydrogen Sulfide - 10ppm and above per Federal OSHA guidelines
e. Hydrogen Cyanide - 5ppm and above
Caution: There are gases that can poison or be cross sensitive
to the combustible gas sensor. Contact SENSIT Technologies for
cross-sensitivity information.