Document No. 801863M (Rev A)
a price quotation is required before au-
thorization of the repair cost, understand-
ing that this invokes extra cost and han-
dling delay. Sensidyne’s repair policy is to
perform all needed repairs to restore the
instrument to its full operating condition.
Repairs are handled on a “first in - first
out” basis. Your order may be expedited if
you authorize an expediting fee. This will
place your order next in line behind or-
ders currently in process.
Pack the instrument and its accessories
(preferably in their original packing) and
enclose your return address, purchase or-
der, shipping and billing information, RMA
number, a description of the problem en-
countered with your instrument and any
special instructions. All prices are subject
to change without notice.
If this is the first time you are dealing di-
rectly with the factory, you will be asked
to prepay or to authorize a COD shipment.
Send the instrument, prepaid, to:
16333 Bay Vista Drive
Clearwater, FL 33760 USA
Attention: Service Department
RMA #:_______________________
Sensidyne maintains an instrument service
facility at the factory to provide its custom-
ers with both warranty and non-warranty
repair service. Sensidyne assumes no li-
ability for service performed by personnel
other than Sensidyne personnel. To facili-
tate the repair process, please contact the
Sensidyne Service Department in advance
for assistance with a problem which can-
not be remedied and/or requires the re-
turn of the product to the factory. All re-
turned products require a Returned Mate-
rial Authorization (RMA) number.
Sensidyne Service Department personnel
may be reached at:
16333 Bay Vista Drive
Clearwater, FL 33760 USA
727-539-0550 [FAX]
All non-warranty repair orders will have a
minimum fee whether the repair is autho-
rized or not. This fee includes handling,
administration and technical expenses for
inspecting the instrument and providing
an estimate. However, the estimate fee is
waived if the repair is authorized.
If you wish to set a limit to the authorized
repair cost, state a “not to exceed” figure
on your purchase order. Please indicate if
The Sensidyne Service Department offers you a variety of service options which will
help increase your user confidence while minimizing costly interruptions and
maintenance costs. These options include initial training, on-site technical assistance,
and full factory repairs. Sensidyne has developed several programs which will
allow you to select just the right options best suited to your applications and needs.
For further information, contact the Sensidyne Service Department.