Chapter 1: Installation
ChapTer 1: InsTallaTIon
Congratulations on your purchase of the Sentinel Pro Monitoring System. The system is designed to be
an easy, cost–effective, cloud–based monitoring and data logging system to notify you when equipment
or conditions go awry. The internet browser–based programming makes the device easy to use from any
computer or tablet. Monitored conditions can include temperature, humidity levels, pressure, flow, leak
detection, UPS systems, and more. The Sentinel Pro allows you to read up to 64 Modbus registers from third
party equipment so that you can create alarms, view the values over the internet, and record the values for
trending purposes. The Sentinel can read the values over 2-wire RS485 or Ethernet/TCP. You can also read
registers from both interfaces simultaneously, if desired. The system allows multiple users to be notified
immediately of any detected problems. Notification can occur via voice call, e–mail or SMS (text message),
however voice calls and text messages require a premium subscription plan. The internal battery backup
system insures the unit will continue to run if main power fails.
The Sentinel Pro includes the following key features:
Twelve sensor inputs to monitor environmental conditions and/or alarm contacts from other
Up to 64 Modbus registers can be read from third-party equipment via 2-wire RS485 or Ethernet/
10/100BASE-T Ethernet port.
Battery backup for uninterrupted performance.
Compact design allows wall-mount or weatherproof installation.
Notification via e–mail, text message (optional) and voice call (optional).
Relay output capable of automatic or manual control.
Cloud–based user interface for programming, data storage, and alarm delivery.
Available in optional weatherproof NEMA 4X enclosure
Available with cellular modem in weatherproof NEMA 4X enclosure
teChnICal support
If any questions arise upon installation or operation of the Sentinel Pro, please contact the Sensaphone
Technical Service Department at 610.558.2700 and have the following information available:
• Date of purchase __________________
• Serial number __________________
Technical support is available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, M-F, eastern time.