Baud Rates
The Vicon output set by switch 4 can be either 4800 baud or 9600 baud.
Only camera control code for the camera number set by the Address Switches is converted.
If switch 5 is On, the Vicon output code will always be sent to camera #1
Test Pattern
When switch 6 is on, the translator sends a continuous small square movement pattern to the
camera. The input is not active.
The Rx LED will flash when there is data on the input. If the input lines are reversed, it will stay on.
The Error LED will flash if the input code is not recognized as valid Pelco code.
The Status LED will light if the address switches are not set to a valid address (1~256).
The Tx LED flashes for each Vicon packet sent.
The code translator converts pan, tilt, zoom, focus and iris commands directly.
Pelco [Preset] and [Pgm Preset] commands are converted to Vicon [Run Pset] and [Pgm Pset].
Aux Commands
The Vicon keys required for the onscreen menu and pattern recording can be accessed from low Pelco
aux numbers.
Aux Off/On 1
Aux Off/On 2
A/P Key
Aux Off/On 3
A/I Key
Aux Off/On 4
Alarm acknowledge
Aux Off/On 5
L/S Key
Aux Off/On 6
Aux Off/On 7
Aux Off/On 8
Dome Programming
Pgm Pset 94 (Vicon's menu cmd)
Display onscreen menu
Pgm Pset 95 (Pelco's menu cmd)
Display onscreen menu
Use the joystick to navigate the onscreen menu. Use Aux 2 for A/P to make selections, and Aux 3 for
A/I to exit. Some Vicon domes will not respond to consecutive same commands, so to send consecu-
tive A/I or A/P commands, insert another command in between (Aux4 for Alarm acknowledge is a good
Pgm Pset 96
Pgm Pset 95 (Vicon's reset dome cmd)
Pgm Pattern 1/2
Progam Auto Tour 88/89
Run Pattern 1/2
Run Auto Tour 88/89
March 2008