Service thresholds
A text string that identifies the service threshold group
A text string that describes the service threshold group
The service ID for which the associated thresholds should apply.
For an SPTS the service ID will generally be 1; adding several list
entries with different service IDs allows different thresholds to apply
for different services within an MPTS.
The rename functionality allows a service to be renamed for the
use of the VideoBRIDGE Controller. This is useful when services
within an MPTS are unnamed (no service names in the SDT) or
when services should be recognized by the VideoBRIDGE Controller
under a different name than indicated in the SDT.
Each service can be configured to raise an alarm when that stream’s
scrambling status changes. The default behavior is to ignore whether
a stream is scrambled or not. In order to trigger an alarm if a clear
service is received when it is supposed to be scrambled, select Error
if not scrambled in the Scrambling: pull-down menu. When Error if
scrambled is selected, the Extractor will raise an alarm if it detects
that the stream is clear. When Same as stream is selected, the
requirement defined in the stream threshold will apply.
VB7880 Advanced Content Extractor User’s Manual version 5.2