MRD 7000
– User Manual
Page 70 (126)
This setting enables SCTE104 embedding
on a selected line
This setting enables OP47 embedding on a
selected line
This setting enables SMPTE2031
embedding on a selected line
SMPTE 2108 VANC Embedding
The MRD 7000 supports extraction of SMPTE 2108 metadata from the input video PID
and embedding in SDI/IP. User configuration is needed for enabling SMPTE 2038 data
to be embedded in SDI/IP. Presence of the incoming SMPTE 2108 data is reported in
the Additional Data status in the Decoding section (Transfer Characteristics).
Closed Captions VANC Embedding
The MRD 7000 supports extraction of EIA-608 and EIA-708 subtitles from the input PID
and embedding in SDI/IP. User configuration is needed for enabling Closed Captioning
data to be embedded in SDI/IP. Presence of the incoming Closed Captioning data is
reported in the Additional Data status in the Decoding section.
SMPTE 2038 VANC Embedding
The MRD 7000 supports extraction of SMPTE 2038 metadata from the input video PID
and embedding in SDI/IP. User configuration is needed for enabling SMPTE 2038 data
to be embedded in SDI/IP. Presence of the incoming SMPTE 2038 data is reported in
the Additional Data status in the Decoding section.
VPID VANC Embedding
The MRD 7000 supports extraction of VPID metadata from the input video PID and
embedding in SDI/IP. User configuration is needed for enabling VPID data to be
embedded in SDI/IP.
SCTE35/104 VANC Embedding
The MRD 7000 extracts SCTE 35 messages from the transport stream then converts
them to SCTE104 messages and embeds them as VANC packets on the SDI/IP output.
User configuration is needed for enabling SCTE104 data to be embedded in SDI/IP.
Presence of the incoming SCTE35 data is reported in the Additional Data status in the
Decoding section.