MRD 7000
– User Manual
Page 107 (126)
Appendix B
– Error and Event List
Audio Not Decoding
Indicates selected service is not decoding an audio PID.
Auto Video Format Error
The MRD encountered an error when automatically choosing
the output format.
Closed Caption Line
The VANC line Closed Captions are currently set to be
embedded on are conflicting with another line of data in the
Date/Time Changed
The Date/Time setting of the system was changed.
Decoder Latency Too Low
The parallel frames processing setting is too low for the decoded
video codec. Recommended action is to set parallel frame
processing to default or increase the number of frames.
Firmware Unsupported
The uploaded software is not supported by the MRD 7000.
HLS Link Connection Error
The system encountered a connection error when receiving an
HLS transmission.
HLS Link Loss Error
HLS stream sync is not detected.
Incompatible Reference
The system has detected that the genlock frame rate does not
match the video output frame rate
Input Video Unsupported
The video source format or codec is unsupported.
Insufficient Decoder
The unit does not have enough processing power to decode the
transport stream. Contact
IP Link Loss Error
MPEG/IP or Seamless RTP stream sync is not detected.
Loss of Carrier Lock
Receiver carrier lock source is lost.
Network Interface Link
Triggers an alarm if the physical interface is not detected as
NMOS Registration Server
Not Found
Unable to connect to the NMOS RDS the unit is configured to
No Services Detected
There are no service detected on the active input.
NTP Server Unreachable
The NTP serve was unable to be reached.
NTP Updated
The NTP Date/Time was updated.
OP47 Line Conflict
The VANC line OP47 is currently set to be embedded on is
conflicting with another line of data in the VANC.
Private Key file Not Valid
The uploaded file does not match the necessary Private Key file
to descramble the stream content.
RTMP Link Connection
The system encountered a connection error when receiving an
RTMP transmission.
RTMP Link Loss Error
RTMP stream sync is not detected.
RTP Reception Error
RTP IP statistics has detected an out of order, duplicate, or lost
packet or discontinuity in the incoming MPEG/IP or Seamless
RTP stream.