Table 2-4 NEMO10 command set summary
set group par1 [par2 ...] + <CR>
Set configuration parameters
- group = 'ip', 'host', 'serial' or 'admin'
- par1 ... = configuration parameters. Use * to
keep a parameter's value
If success,
“OK”+ <CR> + <LF>
If error
“ERROR” + <CR> + <LF>
get [group] + <CR>
Get configuration parameter values
- group = 'ip', 'host', 'serial', 'admin' or 'status'
- If group is specified, shows settings of the
- If group is omitted, shows settings of all groups.
Parameter value display
help [group] + <CR>
Shows command usage screen.
- If group is omitted, shows help screen.
- If group is specified, shows 'set' command
usage of the group.
Help message display
factorydefault [option] + <CR>
Restore factory default values
- if option is omitted, all parameters are set with
factory default values.
- if option='-ip', all parameters except IP settings
are set with factory default values.
If success,
“OK”+ <CR> + <LF>
If error
“ERROR” + <CR> + <LF>
save + <CR>
Save changes
If success,
“OK”+ <CR> + <LF>
If error
“ERROR” + <CR> + <LF>
exit + <CR>
Exit without rebooting the device (changes are
not applied)
If success,
“OK”+ <CR> + <LF>
If error
“ERROR” + <CR> + <LF>
Exit and reboot the device
2.4.1 ‘set’Command
With ‘set’ command, users can configure parameter values of the NEMO10 for each environment.
Basic ‘set’command usage is as follows:
set group par1 [par2 ...] + <CR>
group = 'ip','host','serial' or 'admin'
par1 par2 ... = configuration parameters. Use * to keep a parameter's value
The ‘group’is the category where the parameters should be entered. For example, if users want to set
parameters related to the
IP configuration
, use set command as shown in the Figure 2-12.