SX1276 Development Kit
Revision 1.1 – May 2014
Page 4 of 53
©2014 Semtech Corporation
1 Preamble
This document describes how to use the SX1276 Evaluation kit. This document describes especially the
SX1276 Eiger platform and the SX1276SKA User Interface. We strongly recommend for the user to read
thoroughly the datasheet of the SX1276 prior to start working on the device. Most of this document
assumes a general knowledge on the SX1276 and modern RF communications.
2 Introduction
The SX1276 is a single-chip integrated circuit ideally suited for today's high performance ISM band RF
applications. Added to the renowned, high-performance and low-cost, FSK / OOK RF transceiver modem,
the SX1276 is also equipped with the LoRa proprietary transceiver modem. This advanced feature set,
including a state of the art packet engine, greatly simplifies system design whilst the high level of
integration reduces the external BOM to a handful of passive decoupling and matching components. It is
intended for use as high-performance, long range, half-duplex bi-directional RF links, and where stable
and constant RF performances are required over the full operating range of the device down to 1.8V.
The SX1276 is intended for applications over a wide frequency range and it is covering all available sub-
1GHz frequency bands (168MHz, 434MHz, 470MHz, 868MHz and 902MHz). Coupled with a link budget
in excess of 135 dB in FSK in excess of 155 dB in LoRa, the SX1276 really offers the possibility of two
modems in one single package. The SX1276 complies with both ETSI and FCC regulatory requirements
and is available in a 5x5 mm QFN 28 lead free package.
The SX1276 Evaluation kit, based around the Eiger platform, allows the user to test every aspect of the
radio, both from the system and RF point of view.
On one hand, the Eiger platform is a touch screen portable device which has been design to enable quick
and easy testing of the PER performances of the SX1276. On the other hand, the SX1276SKA is a PC
based evaluation tool which allows in depth testing of the radio.
This document is therefore divided in two parts: the first part present the SX1276 Eiger module and how
to perform PER test in LoRa and FSK; the second part of this document present the SX1276 SKA and
how it can be used to test every single aspect of the radio.
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