A outboard motor is tested completely in our workshop and it is
partially run in a tank. A second test is done by the
concessionaire It is always advisable to complete the running in
procedure in the following way:
During the first 15 running hours you must use a fuel
with oil at 3%.
During the first 3 running hours do not accelerate too much, and
during the following hours you can accelerate properly but only
for short periods.
After about 20 hours you have to change entirely the gearbox-oil
(see the greasing sectioning this manual).
This running in procedure will allow you to obtain the
best performance from your motor and longer
Emergency stopping procedures.
In an emergency you can stop your motor by pulling
the engine stop switch lanyard.
To start the motor again you have to install again the
lanyard's lock plate on the engine stop switch.
Picture No. 64.
Stopping in normal conditions
Place the gear-shift lever in the neutral position " N " (neutral
gear); accelerate light in order to avoid flooding, run the engine
again at idling speed and then push the stop button,(for model
with manual start).
Turn the switch key in the anti-clockwise direction, (for model with
electric start).
Picture No. 65.