User operations
NETfon 130 - User Guide 723142012-A0-LM
8.8. Managing your personal directory
Access the Personal Address Book by pressing menu/enter
You can create up to 250 contacts consisting of telephone numbers and names (up to 12 characters)
and associate a direct call button and a melody.
The names in Personal Address Book can be searched through UP and DOWN arrows or by name or
by first three characters of it, with the alphanumeric keys followed by menu/enter
button; in this
way all the names in the address book, which begin with the letters entered, are shown in alphabetical
The options available are:
• Add = displays the list of contacts
(after having selected a contact name, the following options are available)
Option ADD
requires the following data:
telephone number
type of network (public or private)
programming a ring by scrolling the list available.
(The number of contacts stored is displayed on the phone screen, i.e. 19/250)