User operations
NETfon 130 - User Guide 723142012-A0-LM
8.6. Available features by lifting the handset
Lift the handset and press menu/enter
to access the following services.
: Some features listed in the following table are subject to enabling; in case the feature doesn’t work,
please contact the system administrator.
Available if
You have to:
Call back
The called
number is busy
or doesn’t
If the called number or the line is busy or doesn’t answer, to
“book” a call back:
1. presso menu/enter
2. select “Call back”
3. wait for the confirmation tone.
The called
number has a
call in progress
To intrude into calls in progress:
1. press menu/enter
2. select “Intrusion” to make an intrusion.
Forced release
After an
intrusion, the
promoter is
included in
To execute a forced release of the partner of the included,
subsequently to the intrusion operation:
1. press menu/enter
2. select “Forced release”
DND override
The called
number is
placed in Do
Not Disturb
To override the “Do not disturb” service:
1. press menu/enter
2. select “DND override”
3 way
The promoter
has a call in
To enter in simultaneous communication with two other
external lines, introducing an appropriate warning tone:
1. put on hold the 1st party with hold
2. select the number of the new partner
3. at the answer press menu/enter
4. select “3 way conference”
Queue call
The called
number is busy
and you want to
signal the
urgency of the
When calling a user found to be busy, to signal the urgency of
the call through an appropriate acoustical signal and a
warning message on the busy user’s display (if provided):
1. press menu/enter
2. select “Queue call”
Swap hold
The promoter
has a call in
To place and keep a call on hold, without the possibility of the
party listening, in order to establish a second call, and then
alternatively pass between the two calls:
1. put on hold the 1st party with hold
2. select the number of the new partner
3. to talk alternatively with the two calls press menu/enter
4. select “Swap hold”