SEL-2600 RTD Module
Date Code 20000525
SEL-2600 Guideform Specifications
SEL-2600 Guideform Specifications
RTD (Resistive Temperature Device) monitoring shall be provided by a
microprocessor-based module with the following characteristics.
Module shall be capable of acquiring RTD data from as many as
12 RTDs.
Module shall accept input from any of four different types of
three-wire RTDs (100-ohm platinum, 100-ohm nickel, 120-ohm
nickel, and 10-ohm copper) on every RTD input terminal.
Module shall accept a single contact input.
Module shall require no configuration settings.
Module shall perform internal self-tests on the power supply and
RTD inputs.
Module shall transmit over fiber optics all measured RTD values,
input contact status, and self-test status at 500 ms intervals over a
distance of 500 meters.
Module shall secure data communications using CRC-16 (Cycli-
cal Redundancy Check) error detection.
Module shall be equipped with a fiber-optic port.
Module shall use LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) to indicate device
self-test status, input contact status, and fiber port transmit status.
Module shall be capable of operating within specification over a
temperature range of – 40° to +85°C.
Module shall be line powered by 120 Vac or 240 Vac.
Module shall mount to a flat surface and have package dimensions
not exceeding 9.500" x 4.418" x 2.060".
Table 3
SEL-2600 RTD Module Data Packet Definition
Four words are sent for each of the 12 inputs.
Use only the appropriate temperature for the type
of RTD connected to each input.
If an RTD circuit is open, the error code 7FFFh
is sent; if the circuit is shorted, the error code
8000h is sent. For the first four seconds after
power is applied to the module, it sends the
error code 7FF0h.
2 bytes
CRC-16 Data Block Check Code
2 bytes per word • 4 words per RTD • 12 RTDs = 96 bytes.