SEL-2600 RTD Module
Date Code 20000525
SEL-2030 Communications Processor Applications
Use the SET M command to add the equations. The following settings show
how to add RTD 12, 100-ohm platinum (4:USER:02Fh) at a threshold of 31
7 036h = 31 #Store temp threshold
8 037h = 4:USER:036h #Get the threshold
9 037h -= 4:USER:02Fh #Subtract the RTD temp
10 038h:0 = 4:USER:037h:15 #Get sign bit of result
11 038h:0 *= !4:USER:02Fh:15 #Test bit 15 of temp
12 038h:0 *= !4:USER:02Fh:14 #Test bit 14 of temp
Issue Control Commands to Relay
Connect the SEL-2030 to the protective relay. Establish communications as
outlined in the SEL-2030 Communications Processor Reference Manual and the
protective relay’s instruction manual.
Use the SET P command to set AUTO_CONFIG to “Y.” This enables auto-
matic control capabilities for the serial port connected to the relay. Use the SET A
command to set SEND_OPER to “Y.” This enables fast operate commands based
on logic bit transitions. Use the SET L command to control four breakers using fast
operate commands based on the result of a single temperature comparison.
The following example settings assume the relay is connected to SEL-2030
Serial Port 10, and the SEL-2600 is connected to Serial Port 4.
SET L 10
SBR1 = 4:USER:35h:0 #If above threshold open breaker 1
CBR1 = 0
SBR2 = 4:USER:35h:0 #If above threshold open breaker 2
CBR2 = 0
SBR3 = 4:USER:35h:0 #If above threshold open breaker 3
CBR3 = 0
SBR4 = 4:USER:35h:0 #If above threshold open breaker 4
CBR4 = 0
The example can be modified to control each breaker based on separate tem-
perature thresholds. The section titled Perform Temperature Threshold Compari-
sons on page 8 shows how to program the SEL-2030 for multiple temperature
comparisons. The following settings use the results of those comparisons to control
Breakers 1 and 2.
SBR1 = 4:USER:35h:0 #If RTD 2 > 28 degrees C open breaker 1
CBR1 = 0
SBR2 = 4:USER:38h:0 #If RTD 12 > 31 degrees C open breaker 2
CBR2 = 0
Refer to the specific protective relay’s instructional manual for more informa-
tion on fast operate commands, relay wiring, and relay configuration.