Seedburo 1200D
Digital Moisture Tester Manual
Before shipment, all Seedburo Model 1200D
Digital Moisture
Meters are calibrated against the factory Primary Standard. This
Standard is maintained in continuing agreement with the Master
Standard held by the Grain Division of the United States
Department of Agriculture.
To assure continuing accuracy, meters in commercial usage should
be returned to the factory or to any authorized dealer periodically for
replacement of any worn parts, since any replacement requires
recalibration against the primary Standard. This service should be
scheduled during your “off season”, when the meter can be most
conveniently spared from your operation.
Frequency of service will depend necessarily on the amount and type
of usage and it is recommended that any meter be returned for factory
service not later than the end of its first three years of field usage.
To return a product for repair, first contact the AgPoint Precision Scales
Service Department at 1-866-668-4855 for a return authorization number.
An RMA (Return Material Authorization) is required for any returned product.
A delay in the repair can be expected if a product is returned without proper
documentation, including the RMA number.
All returns MUST be packaged in good sturdy protective packaging
Please save your original packaging
After receiving an RMA number, package the equipment in its original shipping carton. If the original
shipping carton is not available, contact the service department to get a set of the correct packaging
sent to you. You will be charged a nominal fee. If you choose to use other packaging material and
boxes, the unit will be sent back in the proper packaging for which you will be charged and you will
also be charged for any shipping damage.
Clearly mark the package with the RMA number and ship to:
AgPoint Precision
24121 West Theodore Street
Plainfield, IL 60586
FAX/Phone 312-878-6400