How to Use Network Viewer client software
To execute the Netviewer software go to start >all programs >Network Viewer > NetViewer4ch or
double click on Netviewer4CH shortcut icon located on the desktop and a Network Viewer window will
appear as shown below:
Click the Setting icon on the Netviewer main screen, and the setting display box will appear.
Input an IP address assigned to the local DVR. Double check the AV Port and the Command Port to
match the local DVR’s port settings. The video size defaults to half size which has a resolution of 320x240,
for 720x240 select full size options.
Network Viewer software
Frame/Sec: To change the frame rate per second when connecter is establish. Enable One Channel
Transfer is recommended to transfer single image for better bandwidth control.
Local Rec. Path is to change the recording location to other hard drive or to other network drive.
AV code: this is auto- selected by the Net Viewer software, please do not change codec setting.
"OK" to
confirm and
Video Source: Please refer to country NTSC listing before changing.