The SSID section of the settings screen displays the cameras SSID (Wi-Fi name) and Mac
address. To view the Mac address simply tap on the SSID name.
The Audible Alerts option is used to enable (on) or disable (off) the audible alerts that can be
heard during the operation and use of the camera. To make changes to these features, simply
tap on audible alert and tap on the on/off switch located at the end of each option. The
available options are:
• GPS (on by default)
• Impact Recording (on by default)
• App snapshots (on by default)
• Gesture Snapshots (on by default)
The Connection Verification option is used to enable (on) or disable (off/default) the audible 4
digit verification code that needs to inputted at the time you connect from a mobile device. To
make changes to this feature, simply tap on on/off switch located at the end of option.