Learn Mode
Once the character starts flashing the installer has 60
sec to activate the 3rd party unit. Once the 3rd party unit
has been activated the process must be completed
within 240 sec or SRT323 will timeout. Preferably, start
the process to add a node from the controller then press
the dial of the SRT 323.
If an outcome is not received within 5sec the SRT323 will
report a failure.
All association settings will be lost if learn mode has
been activated with another controller regardless of a
pass or fail result; any association settings will have to
be re-configured either remotely or manually.
Please see supported device and command classes on
page number 19.
The SRT323 requires a good radio path. If you wish to
control it via a 3rd party controller please check the
communications between the 3rd party network and the
SRT323 in the intended location before proceeding. If
necessary take remedial action to get a better signal.