How this guide is organized
Preface: About this Guide
How this guide is
This guide contains the following chapters.
Finding information
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an index. However, you can use Acrobat’s
feature to search for
every instance of any word or phrase that you want.
Chapter Title
Chapter 1:
Getting Started
Presents an overview of the Soft-PK and the
Sidewinder Virtual Private Network (VPN)
environment and describes the requirements. It
includes a checklist to guide you through the
basic steps to setup and deploy a VPN.
Chapter 2:
Planning your VPN
Provides information to help you understand key
concepts and options that are involved in a VPN
Chapter 3:
Configuring Sidewinder
for Soft-PK Clients
Provides a summary of Sidewinder procedures
associated with setting up and configuring Soft-
PK connections in your network.
Perform these procedures before you
configure your Soft-PK clients.
Chapter 4:
Installing and Working
with Soft-PK
Includes Soft-PK installation notes and describes
the basic Soft-PK procedures for managing
certificates and creating a customized Soft-PK
security policy for your remote clients.
Chapter 5:
Deploying Soft-PK to Your
End Users
Summarizes the steps for preparing and
deploying the Soft-PK software, digital certificate
files, and security policy to your end users. It is
based on a worksheet (in MS Word format) that
you edit and send to each remote end user.
Appendix A:
Provides a summary of troubleshooting
techniques available for resolving Soft-PK and
Sidewinder VPN connection problems.