Q7-A29 - Rev. First Edition: 1.0 - Last Edition: 1.0 - Author: S.B. - Reviewed by G.G. Copyright © 2016 SECO S.r.l.
DP interface signals
As told in the previous paragraph, the AMD G-Series SOCs offer two Digital Display Interfaces, configurable to work in HDMI/DVI/DP/eDP modes.
Digital Display Interface #1, in particular, is used to implemented HDMI or Display Port interface.
If the board purchased is in DP configuration, then this interface works as a multimode Display Port: this means that it is possible to use it directly for the
connection of Display Port compatible monitors or converted to HDMI/DVI or LVDS interfaces on the carrier board or on the external connector (by using an
In this configuration, the following signals will be available on Qseven
golden card edge connector:
D/DP_LANE3-: Display Port differential pair #3.
D/DP_LANE2-: Display Port differential pair #2.
D/DP_LANE1-: Display Port differential pair #1.
D/DP_LANE0-: Display Port differential pair #0.
/DP_AUX-: Display Port auxiliary channel differential pair.
DP_HPD#. DisplayPort Hot Plug Detect Input signal. +3.3V_S electrical level signal, active low with 100k
pull-up resistor. Please consider that DisplayPort
specification assume that the Hot Plug signal is an active high signal, therefore an inverter is needed on the Carrier board to ensure the working of DP port.
This signal was present on Qseven specifications until rev. 1.2, while it has been deleted with Qseven specifications rev. 2.0, since the Hot Plug signal for Display
Port had been merged with the HPD signal for HDMI. Qseven
specification Errata Sheet for version 2.0, published by SGET consortium, reintroduced this signal
for compatibility with Qseven
modules Rel 1.20 compliant. On Q7-A29 module, this signal is electrically tied to DP_HDMI_HPD#.
Please refer to the following schematics as an example of implementation of DisplayPort connection on the carrier board, which will allow the use of external
adapters for the conversion to HDMI/DVI.