After shrinking, remove the lock ring and move the inductor housing downwards, exposing
the split heat focusing stopper. Remove the split heat focusing stoppers (caution: they may
be hot).
Move the inductor housing upwards to allow the toolholder to be removed.
Note: Overall height of the inductor housing limits « A » dimension to 70 minimum. Any less
than this and it will not be possible to lower the inductor housing sufficiently to gain access to
the split heat focusing stopper assembly.
4.6.3. Shrink-releasing procedure for tools with larger front than shank
1) Move the inductor housing below the front face of the toolholder and fit the appropriate
split heat focusing stopper assembly around the shank of the cutting tool.
2) Move the inductor housing upwards so that the split heat focusing stoppers seat in the
inductor housing location diameter.
3) Fit the locking ring.
4) Start the heating cycle as for a standard tool (see § 4.3.4.).
5) On completion of the heating cycle move the inductor housing upwards in order to extract
the tool from the toolholder.
After the end of the heating cycle, move the universal sliding support along with the hot toolholder on a cooling slot and cover it
with an air cooling cone or use a complementary cooling device.