CCOMe-C96 - Rev. First Edition: 1.0 - Last Edition: 1.0 - Author: A.R. - Reviewed by C.M. Copyright © 2021 SECO S.p.A.
The RTC battery voltage level is monitored through a comparator inside the board. Battery
low status signal (BATLOW#) is carried to COM-express module to be managed.
JP1 is a 2-way jumper to enable/disable this indicator.
Power Rails meanings
In all the tables contained in this manual, Power rails are named with the following meaning:
_RUN: Switched voltages, i.e. power rails that are active only when the board is in ACPI s S0 (Working) state. Examples: +3.3V_RUN, +5V_RUN.
_ALW: Always-on voltages, i.e. power rails that are active both in ACPI s S0 (Working), S3 (Standby) and S5 (Soft Off) state. Examples: +5V_ALW, +3.3V_ALW.
JP1 position
Battery Low Indicator enable
Not inserted
Indicator disabled
Indicator enabled