CCOMe-C96 - Rev. First Edition: 1.0 - Last Edition: 1.0 - Author: A.R. - Reviewed by C.M. Copyright © 2021 SECO S.p.A.
CCOMe-C96 is a carrier board, designed in ATX form factor, intended for the use with COM-Express Type 6 CPU modules.
COM-Express is an open industry standard defined specifically for COMs (computer on modules). Its definition provides the ability to make a smooth transition from
legacy parallel interfaces to the newest technologies based on serial buses available today.
COM Express CPU modules integrate all the core components of a typical PC-like architecture, and make all interface available through two standardized
connectors, so that COM Express modules become scalable. This means that once an application has been created, there is the ability to diversify the product
range through the use of different performance class or form factor size modules.
Baseboard designers can use just the I/O interfaces that really need, providing, on the carrier board, the routing to the adequate interface connectors.
This versatility allows the designer to create a dense and optimised package, which results in a more reliable product while simplifying system integration.
CCOMe-C96 board can be used both as an evaluation module, to test the functionality of your COM-Express module and design an application specific carrier
board for it, or as a complete carrier board, already suited for standard purposes, with a small space consumption.
In any case, the solutions so realised is fully scalable, and allows to the user to keep his own-designed system continuously up-to-date, since the system can be
updated simply replacing the COM-Express module with a newer one, just unplugging the module and replacing it, without the need of redesigning it.
The robust thermal and mechanical concept, combined with extended power-management capabilities, is perfectly suited for all applications.