Mechanical assembly
The assembly procedure has some common operations, regardless of the type of current and voltage
sensors used, while there are differences related specifically to current and voltage sensors.
Device RGDAT-A70
Open the cover of the device and, using the four screws and washers, place the device in the
specified location inside the box containing the UP for pole installation.
Combined sensors
Fix the combined sensors to the supplied support bracket.
For further information related to mechanical assembly and the connection of combined sensors to
MV line, please refer to document “CVS-P-24-O Installation Manual” by Altea.
To connect the cables of combined sensors to RGDAT-A70, please refer to paragraph “Connection
with combined sensors”, being careful to match the phases with those reported on the RJ45
connectors connected to RGDAT-A70.
You can set up the operating values of the various protection functions using the appropriate
configuration software (RGDAT_A70). For more information, please refer to chapter "Programming
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November 2019
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