The item "
Features for Endesa
" is available only if the detected RGDAT-A70 firmware version
implements these functions; otherwise the item is disabled.
The item "
Features for configuration with 3 phase sensors
" is available only if the detected
RGDAT-A70 firmware version implements these functions and the configuration of the current sensors
is with 3 phase sensors, and a dedicated sensor for Io measurement is not present (for example in
case of combined sensors for outdoor use, aka TATV); otherwise the item is disabled.
This dialog-box allows you to enable Io (earth current) calculation in healthy network conditions
(prefault), and then subtract that value to Io when a fault occurs. The use can also specify the
insertion mode for combined sensors (Normal or Reverse).
As you may have noticed, all these dialogs contains "OK" and "Cancel" buttons; their purpose is to
accept the changes made in the dialog box ("OK"), or to exit the dialog box, ignoring any changes
("Cancel" button).
P515D851 Rev. E
November 2019
Pag. 29 of 45