You will be guided through a blocked area if there is no logical alternative to
travelling through it.
Route list
The route list is updated during the journey. It shows the roads or streets that
you have not yet reached. Route sections that you have already travelled will
be deleted from the route list.
Pressing the menu button, more information can be found on different
stretches. The blocked stretches are indicated by the symbol “
” in a black
It takes some seconds after the destination guide has started for the route
list to be compiled for display.
The type and the quantity of the proposed alternative routes in case of a
blockage depends on the navigation CD content.
The destination guide without the navigation CD
With the destination guide active, the navigation CD may be
changed for an audio CD.
The navigation function is still available, although in a limited form, without
the corresponding CD. In this case, the internal reader may be used to play an
audio or MP3 CD without having to reinsert the navigation CD. For this, all of
the data on the CD concerning the route is stored in the “temporary memory”
and with the data from this “temporary memory” the destination entry
dynamic TMC guide options are limited. The “content” of the temporary
memory depends on the length of the route that must be recorded. The
shorter the route, the more details may be stored in the temporary memory
and the more functions will be available without any need to insert the navi-
gation CD. If the route is long, or unexpected deviations are taken (for
example, to avoid a traffic jam based on TMC reports), the navigation CD will
be requested to resume the destination guide.
In the navigation menu, the equipment indicates that it is transferring data
from the navigation CD to the temporary memory by a CD symbol after the title
The navigation CD can only be removed when this symbol
disappears. If the navigation CD is removed anyway, the route calculation or
destination guide can not be resumed correctly.
During the destination guide using stored data, that is, without the naviga-
tion CD, the CD symbol appears crossed out.
Radionaveg300_angles Seite 43 Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2005 11:48 11