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It is convenient to use our different types of repair stations or welding
machine to fix solder ball. Heat solders balls on the BGA to
soldering it on BGA, thus reballing finished.
repair and maintenance
(1) Replacement of top heating wire (as pictured)
t o p n o z z le
h e a t in g w ir e
to p f ix e r
p la s t ic c o n n e c to r
h e a t in g w ir e fix e r
f a n
h ig h - t e m p e r a tu r e
in s u la t in g p a p e r
c o v e r
First power off, make the top heater completely cool;
The replacement of fan:
Take off the cover, and then you can replace the fan.
And then take them off as following order: Cover, fan, top fixer,
Plastic connector, and heating wire fixer. (As pictured)
Remark: when you change the heating wire, it must be wrapped
by High-temperature insulating paper.