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SL-PEL Series
Sectored Port Entry Light
Method 3:
NOTE: During the alignment process using Method 3, port traffic should be held from passage.
1. The helmsman of the boat MUST accept all instructions from the Theodolite operator. The Observer
MUST stay in a single fixed position on the vessel in clear view of the tower. It is suggested to assist
in his recognition that he stand alone or wear a High-VIS vest of a different colour than all other staff
to remain clearly visible.
2. The vessel will position himself at either 1/2 to 1 mile range from the tower on the approximate
bearing line and await instructions.
3. The Theodolite operator will use the telescope to find the observer
4. With the light switched on the Theodolite operator will instruct the vessel to make a slow passage
perpendicular to the bearing line.
5. The observer will call on the radio e.g.: “Nothing, nothing, nothing, red” and then remove his finger
from the transmission button. At this point the vessel stands awaiting further instructions.
6. The Theodolite operator can then work out the approximate position of the light and instruct the
technician to move the light accordingly in a given direction.
7. It is recommended that if this position is very near the final position that no adjustment be made on
the first passage. Instead, the vessel should be instructed to come about and proceed on a reciprocal
bearing to last followed and repeat the procedure. (It should be noted that during this time the vessel
may have drifted and the observer may call “red, red, red” for a long period until he calls nothing.
This is to be expected but should he call a colour change at the same point and the light can then be
moved accordingly.)
8. After a number of passes the team will achieve alignment. NOTE: The speed of the vessel will need to
be tuned to tide movements and in the final stages this should be a nearly stopped passage.
9. Prior to final tightening of the PEL the process should be repeated for another boundary check.
10. When the technician and acceptance officer are satisfied, the light may be fully tightened into position.
Horizontal Alignment:
During the alignment it may be necessary to
angle the beam of the light towards the observer
especially if conducted in a small boat. This
should be performed by adjusting the adjustment
screw beneath the barrel and locked as pictured.
A small spirit level placed on the barrel will assist.