© Sealevel Systems, Inc. SeaConnect 370 Manual | SL9269 11/2022
Figure 10: I/O Page
The LEDs show the current status of the digital inputs, and the text boxes show the current analog
input measurements in engineering units and in raw counts.
The LEDs show the status of the Form C relay outputs. The Toggle buttons allow you to toggle the
state of each relay.
Form C Relays - Extended Behaviors
This feature provides a basic level of timing on the relay. For each relay, you may perform a
Momentary Toggle (toggle immediately, wait a specified time, and toggle again) or a Delay Toggle
(wait a specified time, then toggle). The duration gives the period in milliseconds (with an allowable
range of 100–65535 ms). The Go button initiates the special function for the corresponding relay.
1-Wire Connection
This page shows all connected 1-Wire devices (Figure 11). The SeaConnect 370 currently supports 1-Wire
temperature sensors that use the Maxim Integrated DS18B20 or DS18S20 chip.
Press the “Scan for Devices” button to perform a search of the 1-Wire bus for connected sensors. After a
brief period, the page will reload with an updated list showing the sensors’ unique ROM number, name,
SeaCloud ID, temperature, and an online status. New devices will be automatically given a name and a
SeaCloud with a sequential numbering scheme.