Van’s RV- 8
Instruction Manual.
1) Using a small weight (Weighted fuel
pick-up works well) and string, feed the
string through the wing as indicated.
2) Place the servo between the mounting
blocks and space it from the hatch. Use a
pencil to mark the mounting hole loca-
tions on the blocks.
3) Use drill bit in a pin vise to drill the
mouting holes in the blocks.
4) Apply 2-3 drops of thin C/A to each
of the mounting holes. Allow the C/A to
cure without using accelerator.
C/A glue
5) Use dental floss to secure the connec-
tion so they cannot become unplugged.
6) Secure the servo to the aileron hatch
using Phillips screwdriver and the screws
provided with the servo.
7) Apply 1-2 drops of thin C/A to each
of the mounting tabs. Allow the C/A to
cure without using accelerator.
C/A glue
8) Remove the string from the wing at
the servo location and use the tape to at-
tach it to the servo extension lead. Pull
the lead through the wing and remove
the string.