Instruction Manual
6) Using C/A remover/debonder and a
paper towel, remove any excess C/A glue that
may have accumulated on the wing or in the
aileron hinge area.
Using a small weight (
Weighted fuel pick-up
works well
) and thread, feed the string through
the wing as indicated.
Attach servo lead to the aileron servo. Attach
the string to the servo lead and carefully thread
it though the wing. Once you have thread the
lead throught the wing, remove the string so it
can use for the other servo lead. Tape the servo
lead to the wing to prevent it from falling back
into the wing.
2) Install the aileron servo mount into the
wing, with the output shaft towards the lead-
ing edge of the wing.
Wing bottom.
Small weight.
Electric wire.
8) After both ailerons are securely hinged,
firmly grasp the wing panel and aileron to
make sure the hinges are securely glued and
cannot be pulled out. Do this by carefully
applying medium pressure, trying to separate
the aileron from the wing panel. Use caution
not to crush the wing structure.
Work the aileron up and down several
times to “work in” the hinges and check
for proper movement.
7) Repeat this process with the other wing
panel, securely hinging the aileron in place.
1) Install the rubber grommets and brass
collets onto the aileron servo. Test fit the servo
into the aileron servo mount.
Because the size of servos differ,
you may need to adjust the size of the
precut opening in the mount. The notch
in the sides of the mount allow the servo
lead to pass through.
We recommended to use long ser-
vos arm for all servos without throttle
Small weight.
Servo (2pcs).