Jumper 25
Instruction Man u al
1) We highly recommend setting up the
Jumper 25
us ing the control throws listed at
right. We have list ed con trol throws for both
initial test fl ying/sport fl y ing and aerobatic
fl y ing.
2) Turn on the radio system, and with the
trim tabs on the transmitter in neutral, center
the con trol surfaces by making adjustments to
the clevises or ad just able servo con nec tors.
The servo arms should be cen tered also.
3) When the elevator, rudder and ai le ron
con trol surfaces are centered, use a ruler
and check the amount of the control throw in
each surface.
The control throws should
be mea sured at the wid est point of each
sur face!
3/16” up
3/16” down
5/16” up
5/16” down
3/4” right
3/4” left
3/8” up
5/8” up
1-1/4” right 1-1/4” lef
1-1/4” lef
1-1/4” lef
Do not use the aerobatic settings for ini tial
Do not use the aerobatic settings for ini tial
Do not use the aerobatic settings for ini tial
test fl ying or sport fl ying.
test fl ying or sport fl ying.
Do not use the aerobatic settings for ini tial
Do not use the aerobatic settings for ini tial
4) By moving the position of the
ad just able con trol horn out from the control
sur face, you will de crease the amount of throw
of that con trol sur face. Moving the adjustable
con trol horn to ward the con trol sur face will
in crease the amount of throw.
1) Check the operation and di rec tion of
the el e va tor, rudder, ailerons and throttle.
A) Plug in your radio sys tem per
the man u fac tur er's in struc tions and turn
ev ery thing on.
B) Check the elevator fi rst. Pull back
on the elevator stick. The el e va tor halves
should move up. If it they do not, fl ip the
ser vo reversing switch on your trans mit ter to
change the direction.
C) Check the rudder. Look ing from
be hind the air plane, move the rudder stick to
the right. The rud der should move to the right.
If it does not, fl ip the servo reversing switch
on your trans mit ter to change the di rec tion.
D) Check the throttle. Mov ing
the throt tle stick forward should open the
car bu re tor bar rel. If it does not, fl ip the servo
re vers ing switch on your trans mit ter to change
the di rec tion.
E) From behind the air plane, look at
the ai le ron on the right wing half. Move the
ai le ron stick to the right. The right aileron
should move up and the oth er ai le ron should
move down. If it does not, fl ip the servo
re vers ing switch on your trans mit ter to change
the di rec tion.
2) Check Control Surface Throw.
A) The Rudder should move 3/4” left
and 3/4” right from cen ter. If it moves too far,
turn the adjustable control horn out away from
the rud der. Do the op po site if there is not
enough throw.
B) Both elevator halves should move
5/16” up and 5/16” down from center. If they
move too far, turn the adjustable control horns
out away from the elevator halves. Do the
op po site if there is not enough throw. Both
el e va tor halves should also trav el the same
amount through out their total move ment.
C) The ailerons should move 3/16” up
and 3/16” down from center. If the ailerons