Wing bottom.
Attach the string to the servo lead and
carefully thread it though the wing. Once you
have thread the lead throught the wing, remove
the string so it can use for the other servo
lead. Tape the servo lead to the wing to prevent
it from falling back into the wing.
Electric wire.
Repeat the procedure for orther wing
Plastic tape.
Aileron electric.
Wing panel bottom.
Electric wire.
Secure the servos with the screws pro-
vided with your radio system.
1) Using a ruler and a pen, locate the
centerline of the horizontal stabilizer, at the trail-
ing edge, and place a mark. Use a triangle
and extend this mark, from back to front,
across the top of the stabilizer. Also extend
this mark down the back of the trailing edge of
the stabilizer.
2) Using a modeling knife, carefully remove
the covering at mounting slot of horizontal sta-
bilizer ( both side of fuselage).
Center line.
3) Slide the stabilizer into place in the pre-
cut slot in the rear of the fuselage. The stabi-
lizer should be pushed firmly against the front
of the slot.