Instruction Manual.
is designed for those pilots who are experienced in flying sport models. It is in no way
a basic trainer. If you do not feel comfortable that you are able to test fly the airplane don't
hesitate to ask someone for help getting it tested and trimmed out. Typically, sport airplanes
such as the
, require some different flying techniques that you might not be familiar with if
you're just graduating from basic training. It is very important to let the airplane get up to flying
speed before lifting off. Pulling the airplane off the ground too fast will cause the airplane to stall
and crash. You should allow the plane to roll out until the tail is completely off the ground and
flying. Allow the airplane to roll out about 50 feet more and gently pull it off the ground and into a
shallow climb to altitude.
In the air, the
flies like any other sport aerobatic plane. Loops, rolls, low passes and most
any other maneuvers are all possible. It is very stable throughout the flight envelope and has no
bad characteristics during slow flight. When set up to aerobatic settings, the airplane is just that,
very aerobatic. Snap rolls, knife edge flight, continuous rolls and spins are all possible.
When it is time to land always bring the airplane in with a small amount of power. It is not a good
habit to chop the throttle and dive the airplane to the ground. Just like a full size airplane, gradually
reduce power along with altitude and speed. When you are about 2-3 feet off the ground, reduce
power to idle and gently let the airplane settle onto the runway. Be careful not to over control the
We hope you have enjoyed building and flying your new Seagull Models
AT-6 Texan