The Keypad is a touch sensitive operation. Light pressure will be necessary to activate each number or letter. The vendor's
Keypad is used by the customer to make their selection, and by the operator to set and test many functions of the vendor.
(Fig. 1)
The LED Display shows the customer the amount of money entered into the vendor, and the cost of their selection, it shows the
operator the Service Mode functions for setting and testing the various functions of the vendor.
1. To Access Operator Functions:
A.) Unlock and open the Front Door to access the Circuit Board, and enter Service Mode by pressing the
Red Service Mode Button. (Fig. 2)
(The following information is repeated, for your convenience, on a yellow sticker inside the vendor.)
The Service Mode is entered and exited by pressing the Red Service Mode button on the Circuit Board. All Service Mode func-
tions are cycled and selected by pressing the DOWN (
) and UP (
) keys. If no action is taken within 20 seconds the display
will return to Standard Operating Mode.
("Cnt")-displays the total count of motors available in this vendor.
Enter Service Mode. Cycle through the Service Mode until the display reads "Cnt". Press any keypad character other
than the DOWN (
) or UP (
) key and the controller will display the motors it recognizes. The total number of motors should
equal the total number of selections.
("ES")-optional setting that when ON will return the bill to the customer on demand, when OFF the vendor will
return coins to the customer.
Enter Service Mode. Cycle through the Service Mode until the display reads "ES". Press any keypad character other
than the DOWN (
) or UP (
) key to turn this mode ON ("ES y") or OFF ("ES n").
("UL")-optional setting that when ON allows more than one vend to be performed, provided there is still
Figure 1
Keypad Layout
Figure 2
Service Mode Button
Red Service Mode Button
(Circuit Board inside
Front Door)