To fully appreciate the pleasures, en-
joyment and excitement of boating
there are some basic rules that should
be observed and followed by any boat-
Failure to follow this safety infor-
mation and safe boating rules could
result in injury, including the possi-
bility of death to you, your passen-
ger(s), the people you lend your wa-
tercraft to, or other water users.
Bombardier recommends a mini-
mum operator age of 16 years old.
A boating safety course is recom-
mended and may be required in
your province or state.
The performance of this watercraft
may significantly exceed that of oth-
er craft you may have operated.
Make sure to become completely
familiar with the controls and oper-
ation of the watercraft before em-
barking on your first trip or taking on
a passenger(s). If you have not had
the opportunity to do so, practice
driving solo in a suitable traffic free
area and feel the response of each
control. Be fully familiar with all con-
trols before accelerating above idle
speed. Do not assume that all
PWCs handle identically. Each mod-
el differs, often substantially.
The operator of the watercraft con-
trols, and is responsible for the wa-
tercraft’s safe operation. He/she
also has the responsibility to require
that passenger(s) and people, to
whom he/she lends the watercraft
to, read and understand this safety
section Operator’s Guide, the
and the on-product
warning/caution labels.
Ensure that all passengers know
how to swim and how to reboard
the watercraft from the water.
Boarding in deep water can be
strenuous. Practice in chest-deep
water before operating or embark-
ing your watercraft in deep water.
A PWC will not self-right if capsized.
The operator and passengers must
know the proper righting procedure
as explained in the
Operator’s Guide
Make sure engine is off before roll-
ing over the watercraft.
Your local Power Squadron or state/
provincial authorities will be pleased
to conduct a complementary safety
examination of your watercraft and
help you define your needs.
Never ride after consuming drugs or
alcohol or if you feel tired or ill.
When fueling, follow the safe boating
fueling instructions explicitly, as pro-
vided in your
Operator’s Guide
those given to you at the marina. Al-
ways verify fuel level before use
and during the ride. Apply the prin-
ciple of 1/3 fuel to destination, 1/3
back and 1/3 reserve fuel supply. Do
not carry spare fuel or flammable
liquids in any of the storage or en-
gine compartments.
Always stop the engine before fuel-
ing and never allow anyone to remain
on the watercraft while fueling. Al-
ways remember that fuel is flamma-
ble and explosive under certain con-
ditions. Do not smoke or allow open
flames or sparks in the vicinity.
Respect no wake zones, the rights
of other water users and the environ-
ment. As the “skipper” and owner
of a watercraft you are responsible
for damage to other crafts caused by
the wake of your watercraft. Allow
no one to throw refuse overboard.
Don’t forget that all persons must
assist other boaters in an emergency.
smo2004-002a.book Page 9 Thursday, August 21, 2003 2:54 PM