1. SpecificationS
2. preliminary inStall GUiDe
3. oUtDoor air kit
4. componentS liSt
5.0 inBUilt aGainSt comBUStiBle Wall
6. inBUilt into iSlanD Wall
no comBUStiBle SUrroUnDinGS
7. operation & maintenance
8. Warranty
H1200/DS | H1400 | H1600/DS | H1600XXL/DS
H1200VLG/D | H12003V | epi950
inStallation & USer GUiDe
notice to inStaller:
these instructions must be left with the owner, who should keep them for future use.
5.1 maSonry Brick inStallation
5.2 HeBel inStallation
5.3 Skamol: refer to Skamotec 225 manUal