Key Format (3):
can select Passphrase (8 or more alphanumerical
characters, up to 63), or Hex (64 characters of 0-9,
and a-f).
Please input the WPA passphrase here.
Key (4):
It’s not recommended to use a word that can be
found in a dictionary due to security reason.
After you finish WPA Pre-shared key setting, please click „Apply‟ button
(5) and the following message will be displayed on your web browser:
Please click „Continue‟ to back to previous setup menu; to continue on
other setup procedures, or click „Apply‟ to reboot the router so the
settings will take effect (Please wait for about 30 seconds while router is
2-8-3-4 WPA RADIUS:
If you have a RADIUS server, this router can work with it and provide
safer wireless authentication.
NOTE: Some wireless clients (especially those manufactured before
year 2003) only support WEP or WPA (TKIP) cipher. A driver upgrade
would be needed for those clients to use WPA and WPA2 encryption.