Network Address Translation (NAT)
Network address translations solve the problem if sharing a single IP
address to multiple computers. Without NAT, all computers must be
assigned with a valid Internet IP address to get connected to Internet, but
Internet service providers only provide very few IP addresses to every
user. Therefore it‟s necessary to use NAT technology to share a single
Internet IP address to multiple computers on local network, so everyone
can get connected to Internet.
Please follow the following instructions to set NAT parameters:
3-2-1 Basic NAT Settings (Enable or disable NAT function)
Please click „NAT‟ menu on the left of web management interface, and
the following message will be displayed on your web browser:
To enable NAT function, please select „Enable‟ for „Enable NAT module
function‟ (1); to disable, please select „Disable‟.
After you made the selection, please click „Apply‟ button (2) and the
following message will be displayed on your web browser: