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Figure 9. SCS 770069 Power Relay
Power Relay Accessory
The SCS 770069 Power Relay accepts signals from
the WS Aware Monitor to control power to electronic
devices when the monitor reports a pass or fail
condition. The relay-controlled power strip features
4 electrical receptacles. Two are normally off, 1 is
normally on, and 1 is always on.
NOTE: The Power Relay is only compatible with WS
Aware Monitor models 770067 and 770068.
1. Connect the white terminal of the included interface
cable to the optical relay terminal on the right-side
of the WS Aware Monitor. Connect the opposite end
of the cable to the green receptacle on the Power
2. Connect the included power cord to the power inlet
on the Power Relay. Connect the opposite end of
the power cord to an appropriate AC outlet.
3. Connect the power cord of the external electrical
device to either the NORMALLY OFF or
NORMALLY ON receptacle on the Power Relay.
4. The NORMALLY OFF receptacles will provide
power to the external device when the WS Aware
Monitor reports an operator pass condition and no
failures. The NORMALLY ON receptacle will provide
power to the external device unless an operator
pass condition is detected.
5. Toggle the power switch on the Power Relay to the
ON/RESET position.
Figure 10. Using the SCS 770069 Power Relay to power
a workbench and the WS Aware Monitor
Figure 11. Using the SCS 770069 Power Relay to supply
power to a workbench when the operator is properly