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Employee Owned
- 926 JR Industrial Drive, Sanford, NC 27332
East: (919) 718-0000 | West: (909) 627-9634 • Website:
A. Tool 1 LED:
Illuminates green when tool 1 is
properly grounded and free of electromagnetic
interference (EMI). Illuminates red and audible alarm
sounds when tool 1 is not properly grounded or EMI is
B. Operator 1 LEDs:
Illuminates green when operator
1 is properly grounded and his/her body voltage level is
below the preset alarm level. Illuminates solid red and
audible alarm sounds when operator 1 is not properly
grounded. Blinks red and audible alarm sounds when
the body voltage on operator 1 is above the preset
alarm level.
C. Operator 2 LEDs:
Illuminates green when operator
2 is properly grounded and his/her body voltage level is
below the preset alarm level. Illuminates solid red and
audible alarm sounds when operator 2 is not properly
grounded. Blinks red and audible alarm sounds when
the body voltage on operator 2 is above the preset
alarm level.
D. Tool 2 LED:
Illuminates green when tool 2 is
properly grounded and free of electromagnetic
interference (EMI). Illuminates red and audible alarm
sounds when tool 2 is not properly grounded or EMI is
E. Mat 1 LED:
Illuminates green when mat 1 is properly
grounded. Illuminates red and audible alarm sounds
when mat 1 is not properly grounded.
F. Power LED:
Illuminates solid yellow when the
monitor is powered and not connected to a network.
Blinks yellow when the monitor is powered, connected
to a network and in communication with SMP Server.
Remains off when the monitor is connected to a network
but communication to SMP Server cannot be obtained.
G. Mat 2 LED:
Illuminates green when mat 2 is properly
grounded. Illuminates red and audible alarm sounds
when mat 2 is not properly grounded.
H. Monitored Tool 1 Terminal:
Monitors a metal tool
for proper conductive resistance and electromagnetic
interference (EMI). Use 25-28 AWG wire to connect the
metal tool to this terminal.
I. Monitored Tool 2 Terminal:
Monitors a metal tool
for proper conductive resistance and electromagnetic
interference (EMI). Use 25-28 AWG wire to connect the
metal tool to this terminal.
J. Monitored Mat 1 Terminal:
Monitors a worksurface
mat for proper dissipative resistance. Use one of
the included white mat monitor cords to connect the
worksurface mat to this terminal.
K. Monitored Mat 2 Terminal:
Monitors a worksurface
mat for proper dissipative resistance. Use one of
the included white mat monitor cords to connect the
worksurface mat to this terminal.
L. Tool 1 Monitor Switch:
Toggle the switch down to
enable the Tool 1 monitor circuit. Toggle the switch up
to disable the Tool 1 monitor circuit.
M. Tool 2 Monitor Switch:
Toggle the switch down to
enable the Tool 2 monitor circuit. Toggle the switch up
to disable the Tool 2 monitor circuit.
N. Mat 1 Monitor Switch:
Toggle the switch down to
enable the Mat 1 monitor circuit. Toggle the switch up to
disable the Mat 1 monitor circuit.
O. Mat 2 Monitor Switch:
Toggle the switch down to
enable the Mat 2 monitor circuit. Toggle the switch up to
disable the Mat 2 monitor circuit.
P. Operator 1 Remote Connector:
Use one of the
included mini-DIN operator remote cables to connect a
operator remote to this connector.
Q. Operator 2 Remote Connector:
Use one of the
included mini-DIN operator remote cables to connect a
operator remote to this connector.
R. Power Jack:
Connect the included 7.5 VDC power
adapter here.
S. Ground Terminal:
Common ground point for the
T. Audible Alarm Switch:
Enables and disables
the monitor's audible alarm. 5 different audible
alarm settings are available and may be toggled by
pressing this switch multiple times. The monitor can
be configured to alarm should either of its Operator
Remotes disconnect. See the table below for
descriptions of each setting.
Operator 1
Remote Detection
Operator 2
Remote Detection
U. Ethernet Jack:
Provides network communication
between the WS Aware Monitor and
V. Power Relay Terminal:
For use ONLY with the SCS
770069 Power Relay. Use the Power Relay to control
power to workbenches, hand tools, and other electronic
devices when the WS Aware Monitor passes or fails.