the back plate from between brake disc and wheel. Remove the cover and the cotter pin that safeties the wheel
nut, remove the wheel nut and slide the wheel from the axle. The wheel halves may be separated by first deflating
the tire. With the tire sufficiently deflated, remove the wheel through bolts. Pull the wheel halves from the tire by
removing the inner half from the tire first, and then the other half.
The landing gear shock cords, which are enclosed in shock cord covers, should be inspected regularly for signs of
wear. Shock struts and landing gear hinge bolts should be kept properly lubricated with light grease or oil.
The airplane should be leveled as follows:
Use a carpenters level or a smart level on the open right door sill to level longitudinally, and level horizontally with
a level on the cross tube holding the front of the baggage bag aft of the rear seat.. The airplane will be leveled
longitudinally and laterally as indicated by the levels.
Lateral leveling: Place jacks or blocks under the inside portion of the axles, adjusting them until the plumb bob is
roughly in line laterally with the mark on the door frame.
Longitudinal leveling: Support the tail on an adjustable jack or stand so that the airplane is approximately in level
flight attitude. Adjust the jack until the plumb bob is in line longitudinally with the reference mark.
Next readjust the lateral leveling jacks until the plumb bob hangs directly over the designated mark. The airplane is
then leveled on both axes.
Rigging of the aircraft is done as follows:
Dihedral angle
: Place a block 3/8" high on one end of a 30"
level. Hold the level between the jury strut and the main strut
attachments under the front spar with spacer block outboard. When the
bubble is centered, the front spars have an angle of 45 minutes off level.
Normally the correct dihedral will be obtained when about seven threads on the lift strut adjustment forks are
exposed. (A maximum extension of 15 threads is permissible.) If proper rigging does not result from this
procedure, check the fuselage for lateral leveling by holding a level between the front landing gear bolt heads,
using this means to level the fuselage laterally, rather than the plumb bob. Then rccheck for equal and proper
dihedral of the wings.
Wash out
: Place a 3/8" spacer block on top of a 30 inch level at one end. Working on the outboard aileron
rib, hold the level fore and aft with the spacer block at the rear and the front end of the level under the front spar.
The correct wash out will exist when the bubble is centered. Adjust the rear struts in or out to obtain this
Tail assembly
: With the airplane in level position, the stabilizers should be leveled at their rear spars by
adjusting the rear set of tail brace wires while leaving the front set loose. The elevator hinge line should be straight
and level from tip to tip. The fin should be vertical at the rudder post. After the rear set of wires are rigged, tighten
up on the front set. being careful not to twist the fin or stabilizer. Hold a straight edge of 37.5 inches in length on
the tail wire. Hook a spring scale onto the center of the tail wire. A pull of 10 one pound on the scale