When both SDI and HDMI sources are input at the same time, the HDMI source is preferred by default. If you
want to select the preferred SDI source, click SDI application. When there is only one source, it will be auto-
matically recognized and will not be affected by this setting.
The main audio volume is the volume of the video source, and the Line IN audio volume is the volume of the
audio embed. When embedding external audio through Line IN, you only need to turn on the volume and mute
it by default. Two channels of audio volume can be adjusted freely according to demand.
Optical transceiver setting is to regard the device as an optical transceiver and use optical fibers for data
transmission. It is necessary to send one transmission and receive one transmission to two devices, and both
devices are in coding mode. First, select a device as the sender, log in to the web user interface (WebUI),
locate the optical device on the coding page, and enable the select sending mode. Video format conversion
and input source preference You can select frequency conversion and signal source for optical signal trans-
mission. Then, select another device as the receiver, log in to the WebUI of the receiver, enable the Settings
of the optical device, and select the receiving mode. SDI OUT and HDMI OUT output optical signals. The same
light output can also be converted to video format, but selecting AUTO will fix the output to 1080p60.
The Sender and Receiver of the Optical end machine can also be seen in the first line of the OLED. The Trans-
mit is shown as an Optical Transmit and the Receiver as an Optical Receiver. When the optical terminal is
turned on, IN, the third line of the OLED at the optical receiver, displays the format of the optical input.
8.10 Input source priority selection
8.11 External audio embedding settings
8.12 Optical transceiver settings