The second way is to restore the factory settings. Once it starts, the original system will not
start. Please use this function carefully.
Modify the login password and click apply. After the password is modified, it will take effect at the next login.
The second is to restore all the settings on the firmware version and WebUI to the factory.To restore the
factory settings, you need to power off the device, press and hold the reset key on the device from the small
hole, and power on the device at the same time. Whenyou see system recover on the first line of the device
screen, you can release the reset key.During the process of restoring the factory settings, tally lights up the
red light and starts flashing, When "burning: 100" is displayed on the second line of the screen, tally always
lights up in green, and the whole process takes about 20 minutes to complete. At this time,power on the
equipment again.
10.1 Reset login password