Standard Mode – Color combinations
Separate color contrast combinations can be selected for viewing camera images (images) and menus/system
interfaces (text).
Standard Mode – Color contrast combinations for text
These are used for the following views:
The system interface (menus, virtual buttons, and help text)
4 color combinations are available by default:
Black on White White on Black Blue on Yellow Yellow on Blue
To select color contrast combinations for menus/virtual buttons/system interface on the display, proceed as
1. Tap the display to show the virtual buttons. Then tap
Main Menu
> Settings Menu
> Display Menu
2. Tap the virtual button
Color Combination
3. Press the blue tactile
Color Contrasts button
(if necessary multiple times) until the desired color combina-
tion is displayed.
4. Press the green tactile
Home Screen/Back button
to return to Camera View.