5.5 Clothing guard – removable
Alongside the fixed clothing guard, the clothing guard
can also be supplied as a removable guard to achieve a
more compact transport size.
This is done by loosening the two knurled screws (A).
Pay attention to a tight fit when mounting the clothing
6. Adapter systems
FLOYD is prepared to take a seat unit or seat pan. The seat adapter is the connec-
tion point.
6.1 Seat pan adapter, standard
1. Insert the adapter into the back tube of the
seat pan adapter.
2. Fold the adapter down to the front tube.
3. The patented closure automatically clicks into
place. Now tighten the knurled head on the pa-
tented closure.
When removing the seat pan, untwist the knurled
head first and when it is pulled downwards, the connection between the adapter
and seat pan adapter is released. The pan can now be taken off.
5.4 Footrests
There are different footrest variants for the FLOYD, which
are fixed to the seat frame at the base plate for external
After inserting the knee angle in the footboard adapters
(A) under the base plate and setting the depth, the foot-
rest is tightened with the two wind screws (B).
The knee angle can be adjusted and the lower leg length
individually adapted. Foot benches can be folded up and
the angle adjusted depending on the variant.
Tighten the corresponding screw connections after all
After each adjustment, please re-tighten all screw connections!